How to Eat a Camel

Setting Goals is not difficult however making sure that you meet those goals requires a certain amount of evaluation and planning. It helps if you make your goal specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely.

In this instance the example I will give is to create a Will by February 15.

In identifying goals, you set in train the capacity to achieve them. You should set out a Specific Goal

WHAT you are going to do?

  • Make a Will

WHY it is important to accomplish this task at this time?

  • provide for the people you care about
  • leave my watch to my nephew
  • appoint an executor to carry out my wishes
  • make a gift to charity.

HOW you are going to do it?

  • Use an online Will maker

In order to reach a goal it must be Measurable – so you might think that if you make a Will by February 15, then you have reached your goal. However, in reaching most goals there are usually several steps taken before reaching the ultimate goal.

If you try to eat a camel you do it one bite at a time.

The reality is it isn’t achievable for most of us to eat an entire camel. However we can all devise a plan for making a Will which is Achievable  although it might require a little bit of effort.

A Goal must be Realistic. Whilst it might be a challenge it cannot be impossible. So it is realistic to make a Will by February 15 but it is impossible for someone who has not flown a plane to become a commercial pilot between now and next month.

Therefore by setting a goal to make a Will by February 15 you have set a Timely end date to work towards. Without a time limit, there is no need to start taking action.

This way of setting goals is commonly referred to as SMART – an acryonym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely- and can be used to set all sorts of goals.


One Reply to “”

  1. Very useful reminder; and an important, measurable goal for the New Year. I too will commit to making a will by February 15; maybe those who already have a will should review theirs by this date too?

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